Welcome to the Gunset prototype! This is an idea that's been swirling around in my head for a while now, and the final assignment for my English class gave me just the opportunity to try it out! There are probably some truly horrendous bugs just waiting to be discovered.

Arrow keys to move

Z to jump

X to shoot

C to interact

Hit R to reset your save data, then reload the page for it to take effect. If you change your mind, just finish the level! If you get stuck, just press 0 to turn on noclip and fly mode. The game is intended to be played without this, and this also disables dialogue!


Gunset.html 7 MB

Install instructions

Gunset.zip will not work if downloaded, please only download Gunset.html.


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Maybe you should have a thumbnail or a title image letting others see when they browse the games.

Oh, for sure - I was pretty darn rushed at the end to turn this in, but I'll probably add a cover image at some point! I'm not super concerned about maintaining this game anyway, but it's probably a good idea.