A downloadable game

Made in a week for the Code for a Cause Jam 2025!

W and S will accelerate and brake respectively, and hold space to boost!
A and D will turn you, but only very slightly. You shoot automatically when you aim at enemies, but enemies do the same to you!

Click and HOLD on rocks to hook on to them and swing around.To start moving, click on the buoy in front of you when you enter a stage.

Use Escape to pause, and click on map tiles to move to them (start on the left, you can only move to connected tiles.)

Really wish I'd got weapon descriptions done in time, I had some great ideas for those.

Known bugs: New run button on game over screen does not work properly.

Hoo boy, this was a grueling experience, and I loved every second. While this game was going on, I was right in the middle of my degree's "design week," a week-long - you guessed it - game jam. I think I worked something like 16 hours a day or more to get both projects done. 10/10, would die again.

This is also my first game made with Love2D! I'm super excited to keep using the framework going forward, I'm a huge fan.


Rudderless.zip 18 MB

Install instructions

Download, extract, and run "rudderless.exe"


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Looks like I probably won't be getting a win anytime soon, but I absolutely love the controls, music, and overall gameplay

There is a window size issue where I couldn't see all the game with default display settings and had to shrink my in-computer ones to half

I think that beating stages should give some sort of smaller than shop/? rewards (And that the elites should give you some sort of upgrade for beating them so that they're not literally worthless)

Bug reports and other feedback (Great appraises will come later after I win a run)

1. (Bug) after dying, the new run button gives you a game over the second you enter a level, you have to go to the menu first

2. I feel like shooting mechanics could be explained better